September 3rd 2020
From the Management
The fall semester has begun and the students are (at least virtually) here – thank you everyone who is struggling with adapting the education to the ongoing situation!
There are no new guidelines regarding activities at the University, but it is still crucial that we all follow the Swedish Public Health Agency’s recommendations for reducing the spread of the covid 19-infection. Read more at the Lund University webpage on the corona situation to keep you updated, as a teacher, researcher or employee.
And again: Hang on and hang in there and stay in contact with each other – it is so important for our wellbeing!
The departments at the Faculty of Science are given the opportunity to submit proposals for new honorary doctors (se attached files). Everyone is welcome to come with a suggestion. If you have a proposal, please send it to Henrik Smith (and note that it has to go through Henrik). The proposals must be submitted to the Faculty no later than 16 October so be on time J.
We warmly welcome the following persons to CEC: Postdocs Lin Yu and Liam Kendal. Lin is hosted by Cecilia Akselsson at INES, and will work in the project “Towards better assessments of nutrient constraints on soil carbon sequestration: including soil microbial and mineral mechanisms into terrestrial biosphere models”. Liam Kendall will be working with Henrik Smith, Mark Brady and Kim Nicholas in the project “Exploring synergies between wild pollinators and climate-smart protein production – a mixed methods approach”. For the time being Liam can be found in the new office spaces in the former CEC kitchen.
The administrative staff is, for various reasons, reduced at the moment. Hard priorities are being set to cope with the most important things. This means that you may have to wait a bit longer than usual if you need help or have a question. The management is working on different solutions and meantime everyone does their best to handle the situation. If you don’t know who to contact, please ask todays administrator on call (displayed in the office) or Karin Hofvendahl.
In September Åsa-Katrin Erlandsson will end her position at CEC after 14 years, starting a position in a new unit of procurements in the Chemical Department. During September Åsa is working part time at CEC. We will show our appreciation for Åsa at the online Friday breakfast meeting on September 25. Recruitment of a successor for Åsa is ongoing, and in the meantime her duties will be carried out by existing staff. Thus there will be some changes in who to contact in the following matters:
- PhD studies - Ylva van Meeningen
- Purchasing - Lena Söderberg
- Travel expenses/costs - Irene Bergstrand
- Invoicing - Eva Stengard
New offices
There are some changes of offices for the admin staff, soon you can find Juliana Dänhardt and Marianne Hall in D342, Lina Nikoleris and Josefin Madjidian D333, Cheryl Sjöström and Ylva van Meeingen D332, Jenny Hansson and Cerina Wittbom in D330. The rest of the staff are in the same offices as before. As a consequence, Anna Persson is now found in B351.
Le Mani
Le Mani has reopened, at least temporarily. They will serve salads, lunches etcetera between 8:30 and 14:00 every day – read more in the attached flyer.
For an updated list of events see the CEC calendar (English version).
On September 17, CEC postdocs and young scientist are welcome to a workshop on The Message Box, an effective tool for communicating your science. The idea is to give you an introduction to the tool, give you time to try it out and apply it on your own research, proposal or paper, and give you feedback. Register here before September 15.
CECs Friday talk is via the Teams group ”CEC” at 10:15. Online events for everyone at CEC are using Teams. You should have received an invitation to the team “CEC“ – if not, use this link to join it or use the code: 293u3aw in the “teams” panel to the left.
Tomorrow September 4, Anna Maria Erling and Malin Sjöberg will talk on “The CEC website: important news for researchers and admins” (read more below). Next Friday September 11 Jenny Rissler, will give a talk on “From exposure to dose: investigating the health impact of air pollution on children”.
Join the daily CEC Fika Online – every day at 10.00 and 15.00 via the Teams group ”CEC”. Everyone at CEC has been invited.
The CEC website
On September 23 the Act on accessibility to digital public service comes into force. This means that everyone at CEC – since we are all working for a public authority – needs to know a few things to ensure that all information that is published online (including PDF-files and Word-and Excel-documents which are intended to be published in Canvas or on the web) is accessible to people with various disabilities. Tomorrow at the CEC Friday talk Malin Sjöberg and Anna Maria Erling will guide you through a few important things researchers and admins need to know and where to find more information if needed.
Next week the CEC website will also migrate to the updated program version, Drupal 8. The content will mainly be migrated in its existing form, but yet some manual work needs to be done. Stina Johannesson, Malin Sjöberg and Anna Maria Erling will concentrate on this during the following weeks. (Meantime you will find all information you need at the old site – everything will be double-published, on both sites, during the weeks 37-40.) The new site will be released week 40. After the migration everyone who wants to manage their own personal page on the web, or be a publisher, needs to take a new course in Drupal – send an e-mail to Anna Maria when you want to be registered.
After the migration we will launch a new information model at CEC where all employees have a responsibility to inform “their” web publisher about news and changes within their special area, so that we always can have an updated web with correct information. More information about this will come later.
CEC in media
If the articles are behind pay wall, you can find them and read them in Retriever Research/Mediearkivet. Log in with your LUCAT-id.
The research showing the unique Baltic Sea wreck discovery of an Atlantic sturgeon from 1495 received attention in e.g. Svenska Dagbladet,, Sveriges Radio Blekinge, Forsning & Framsteg, Sydsvenskan, Nättidningen Svensk Historia, Skånska Dagbladet, Norra Skåne, Borås Tidning, Blekinge Läns Tidning, Sydöstran, Strömstads Tidning, Co-author of the new article Maria Hansson was interviewed on the potential of using underwater DNA in future marine research projects.
The discovery also gained attention in foreign media, e.g. Archeology, Fischfocus, Geo and Hufvudstadsbladet.
The research of Anna Persson, Johan Ekroos, Peter Olsson and Henrik Smith, showing that population density, and not the proportion of green spaces, has the biggest impact on species richness of pollinators in residential areas, was covered by e.g. Sveriges Radio Malmöhus, Svenska Dagbladet, Expressen, Skånska Dagbladet, Blekinge Läns Tidning, Extrakt, Natursidan and EskilstunaKuriren and Hufvudstadsbladet (Finland).
A new study by Mark Brady, Murray Scown and Kimberly Nicholas shows that billions in EU farming subsidies are being misspent and support intensively farmed regions already above median EU income instead of more climate-friendly and biodiverse farming regions. The study received attention in e.g. Dagens Nyheter,, Extrakt, Lantbruksnytt, Proletären and Tidningen Syre. Even foreign media covered it, for example Bauernstimme, Radio Sweden, Ecoticas, Australian Times and Epochtimes.
The results of the master thesis of former CEC student in Applied Climate Strategy, Birk Andersson, was covered by Sydsvenskan. The thesis shows that the presence of trees and greenery in private gardens is decreasing, which might reduce the biodiversity and increase floodings.
The “meadow mowing meet-up” initiated by the Department of Biology, and to which CEC is annually invited, received attention as a new example of a corona-safe after work idea, on CEC’s Twitter.
Forskarfredag/Researchers Night
It’s time to register for Forskarfredag, or Researchers Night, 27-28 November 2020. The target group is the general public, with a particular focus on children and young people.
Choose if you want to participate on site in Vattenhallen or contribute with a short film (1-3 min) on the theme science for a sustainable future. Register your participation via email to stefan [dot] zamudio [at] vattenhallen [dot] lu [dot] se (stefan[dot]zamudio[at]vattenhallen[dot]lu[dot]se) before October 23. See information attatched!
Reminder: LUCRIS - research information system
New at CEC? Or want to learn the benefits of LUCRIS again? Sign up by sending an email to lina [dot] nikoleris [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Lina Nikoleris) for one of the following dates, all starting at 10 o’clock:
10th Sept - in our new lunch room or
23rd Sept – in Teams
Lina will give you a short tour in the tool, demonstrate the benefits and get you started on your personal pages. It will take about about 30 min of your time. If you would like Lina to join i.e. your research group meeting or can’t join the suggested dates, please let her know and we will make arrangements so it suits you.
Reminder: Change of service provider for telephony
Between 01:00 and 07:00 on September 9th , the University will change its service provider for stationary and mobile telephony. If you only have a stationary phone on your desk, you will not notice any difference. However, for all those with a University subscription for some form of mobile telephony (including data SIM cards and mobile broadband), you need to change your SIM card. If you haven’t received information on how to obtain your new SIM card, please contact Karin Hofvendahl. More and updated information is available on the LDC web page.
Parking – digital parking permits
The university will switch to digital parking permits in autumn 2020. The order page will reopen in September. More information can be found here.
More LU news
See the attached newsletters.
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) or stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se). See more information about data protection at Lund University.
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to Karin Hofvendahl, no later than Tuesday the same week.