Please contact us if you have questions about studies, research, collaboration or anything else. Below you will find contact information divided into areas of activity.
In the left menu you will find a list of all staff, as well as contact details for our integrated activities.
All name links go to the CEC staff pages, where you can find current contact details (email and phone).
Press contact and communication
Anna Maria Erling
Press contact, internal and external communication.
Sara Håkansson
Communications officer for CEC and the Agenda 2030 Graduate School. Web editor.
Therese Ek
Communications officer and webmaster BECC, MERGE and LU Land.
Administration and collaboration
Who can help me with my research application? Who is my human resources administrator? On CEC's internal staff pages you find information on how the administration can help.
Juliana Dänhardt
Coordinator for outreach and collaboration at CEC, mainly within BECC, MERGE and LU Land.
Marianne Hall
Strategic research initiation and contact point for researchers at CEC and the CEC Fellows network. Monitoring of funding opportunities and support researchers in the application process.
Academic advisor and undergraduate studies in environmental science
Director and responsible for the undergraduate programme in environmental science. Overall responsibility for the undergraduate education, educational development, the faculty's contact person, member of the faculty's education committee and leads the undergraduate education committee at CEC.
Guidance and information for new and existing students, including questions about eligibility requirements, credit counts, study breaks or suspension.
Annika Malmgren-Widerberg
Student administration for undergraduate studies in Environmental Science.
Administration in Ladok, i.e. registration and reporting of results. Administration of courses in Canvas and room booking and schedules in TimeEdit. Aministrative support to the Director of undergraduate studies and Student councellor as well as teachers and students.
Edward Sandels
Student administrator for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Camilla King
Student administrator for undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
Postgraduate studies in Environmental science and Computational Science
Tobias Ambjörnsson
Coordinates and develops research training and research schools, leads the Research Programs Board.
Maria Hansson
Assistant Director of the PhD program in Environmental Science.
Ullrika Sahlin
Assistant director of the PhD programme in Computational Science.
Camilla King
Research administrator for the postgraduate studies of environmental science and the graduate school ClimBEco. Responsible for administrative tasks within the frames of courses, travel bookings, meetings, events and admission.
Graduate research schools
Cheryl Sjöström
Coordination, strategic development and supervision of daily operations.
Deniz Koca
Coordination and strategic development
Markus Gunneflo -
Coordination, strategic development and supervision of daily operations.
About the Agenda 2030 Graduate School -
Yann Clough
Coordination, strategic development and management
Juliana Dänhardt
Coordinator for outreach and collaboration at CEC, mainly within BECC, MERGE and LU Land.
Marianne Hall
Strategic research initiation and contact point for researchers at CEC and the CEC Fellows network. Monitoring of funding opportunities and support researchers in the application process.
Josefin Madjidian
Coordinator for strategic research area BECC.
Lina Nikoleris
Coordinator for strategic research area MERGE. Research administrator for strategic research area BECC.
Ylva van Meeningen
Research coordinator at Sustainability Forum.
- Director
Katarina Hedlund - Deputy director
Anders Irbäck
E-mail:anders [dot] irback [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se
Phone: 046-222 34 93 - Administrative manager
Anna Ekberg - Communications manager
Anna Maria Erling
Our researchers
Our researchers and their expertise in Lund University Research Portal
Visiting and postal address
Visiting address CEC
The Ecology Building
Kontaktvägen 10 (formerly Sölvegatan 37)
The Ecology Building in Google Maps
Visiting address COSHE
Geocentrum II
Sölvegatan 12, Lund
Geocentrum II in Google Maps
Postal address
Lund University
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
Kontaktvägen 10 (formerly Sölvegatan 37)
SE-223 62 Lund
Address for delivery of packages
Lund University
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
Naturvetarevägen 6A
SE-223 62 Lund
Invoicing address
Lund University
Centre for Environmental and Climate Science
Box 188
SE-221 00 Lund
Lund University internal postal address
CEC: 50