ClimBEco PhD courses
The ClimBEco graduate research school offers PhD courses every year. Some are in-depth disciplinary while others cross disciplinary borders.
Generally, ClimBEco PhD courses consist of one intensive study week with pre-reading before and an assignment after. Some exceptions apply. The courses are free of charge and open to all PhD students that meet the admission requirements; priority will be given to PhD students enrolled in the ClimBEco programme. Potential costs for travel and accommodation in connection to participating in ClimBEco courses can be covered for the PhD students who are enrolled and actively attending the ClimBEco programme. Please inform the ClimBEco staff at your university before applying to courses at another university (UGOT participants contact Kong, LU and other participants contact Cheryl).
Here is a document with the instruction on how to book travel and accommodation:
Travel instructions for ClimBEco PhD students (PDF, 157 kB, new tab).
Below you find the information about:
- ClimBEco PhD courses, Spring 2025
- ClimBEco PhD courses, Autumn 2025
- Courses at the Bolin Climate Research School
ClimBEco PhD courses, Spring 2025
Nature-based solutions at the Climate-Biodiversity-Health Nexus: Social and Natural Science Perspectives
NB! moved to spring term 2026, Lund University (3 ECTS)
This course incorporates social and natural science perspectives on nature-based solutions (e.g., environmental psychology, ecology, physical geography, epidemiology, human rights and governance). It thereby aims at broadening disciplinary boundaries and provides a holistic, interdisciplinary approach to the climate-biodiversity-health nexus and proposed solutions within it (i.e., nature-based solutions). It aims at evaluating these solutions critically and fostering an understanding of challenges, trade-offs, and synergies when trying to solve complex global issues.
- Course syllabus (
- Host: Environmental Phychology, Dept of Architecture and Built Environment, LTH
- Registration will reopen in the spring 2026.
- Course coordinators: Maria Johansson and Marlis Wullenkord
- maria [dot] johansson [at] abm [dot] lth [dot] se (maria[dot]johansson[at]abm[dot]lth[dot]se) and marlis [dot] wullenkord [at] abm [dot] lth [dot] se (marlis[dot]wullenkord[at]abm[dot]lth[dot]se)
Methods in Research Synthesis in Environmental and Climate Science
22-24 April and 16 May 2025, Lund University (3 ECTS)
This course is on research synthesis methods in environmental science. It shall provide the student with practical hands-on experience through active participation in the formulation and development of a publishable systematic review and meta-analysis. Teaching consists of a 3-day compulsory in-person session consisting of lectures, seminars, and group workshops, followed by individual exercises and a final hybrid in-person/digital presentation at the end of the course.
- Course syllabus (PDF 281kb, new tab)
- Host: Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, LU
- Register to the course through the webform (
- Deadline to register 4 April
- Course convenor: Liam Kendall
- liam [dot] kendall [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (liam[dot]kendall[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
ClimBEco PhD courses Autumn 2025
Science communication and role in society
22-26 September 2025, Lund University (3 ECTS)
This course gives knowledge and understanding how effective science communication works and discusses the role of science in society. Through seminars, discussion groups, self-directed learning and project work, the course provides skills to condense and convey key messages clearly, to define target audiences for different types of communication and develops effective techniques to deliver and receive information through different channels. There will be preparatory tasks the week before the course begins and you will work full days during the course period.
- Course description (PDF, 253 kB, new tab)
- Host: Centre for Environmental and Climate Science and Dept of Geology, LU
- Registration information tba
- Course coordinator: Johanna Stadmark
- johanna [dot] stadmark [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (johanna[dot]stadmark[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Applied Land Remote Sensing
6-10 and 14-17 October 2025, Lund University (3 ECTS)
in-person lectures in Lund, 6-8 and 14-15 October
Course content includes (1) basic foundations of remote sensing of vegetation, (2) sensors and sensor systems, (3) remote sensing applications, (4) biodiversity, high spectral and spatial remote sensing, (5), time series and phenology, and (6) light use efficiency. Please see entry requirements in the course syllabus.
- Course syllabus (PDF, 278 kB, new tab)
- Course flyer (PDF, 318 kB, new tab)
- Host: Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science, LU
- Register by contacting course coordinator Jonas Ardö by email or phone
- Deadline to register: 15 September
- Course coordinators: Lars Eklundh and and Jonas Ardö
- lars [dot] eklundh [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (lars[dot]eklundh[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se) and jonas [dot] ardo [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se (jonas[dot]ardo[at]nateko[dot]lu[dot]se) or 046-222 4031
Global Elemental Cycles and Environmental Change
3-7 November 2025, Lund University (3 ECTS)
On the completion of the course, participants shall be able to (1) demonstrate advanced understanding of biogeochemical cycles, their drivers and global change in ecosystems; (2) describe in detail specific elemental cycles with the transformations and movement of chemical substances in an integrated perspective; and (3) describe the coupling of biogeochemical cycles.
- Course syllabus (PDF, 371 kB, new tab)
- Host: Department of Geology, LU
- Registration information tba
- Course coordinator: Daniel Conley
- daniel [dot] conley [at] geol [dot] lu [dot] se (daniel[dot]conley[at]geol[dot]lu[dot]se)
Interdisciplinarity in Environmental Research
10-14 November 2025, Lund University (3 ECTS)
This course gives an introduction in how interdisciplinary environmental research can be conducted. As a research area, environmental science is based on the notion that complex environmental problems typically demand an interdisciplinary approach to be holistically understood and potentially solved. In this context, interdisciplinarity denotes both collaborative efforts between scientific disciplines and between scientists and a variety of societal actors. During the course we will revise why interdisciplinary research across these dimensions is needed and how it can be pursued.
- Course syllabus (PDF, 177 kB, new tab)
- Host: Centre for Environmental and Climate Science, LU
- Registratioin information tba
- Deadline to register: 10 October
- Course coordinator: Richard Walters
- richard [dot] walters [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (richard[dot]walters[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Arctic in a Changing Climate
24-28 November in-person lectures
pre-reading 17-21 November and report writing 1-10 December
University of Gothenburg (5 ECTS)
The course provides PhD students with a broad holistic knowledge of the Arctic and how the Arctic system is affected by ongoing climate change, including feedbacks to the global climate system. Lectures and seminars will take an Earth System perspective and cover current hot topics in Arctic research.
- Course description, requirements, syllabus and application available the course website (
- Host: Department of Earth Sciences, UGOT
- Deadline to register: 17 October
- Course coordinator: Céline Heuzé
- celine [dot] heuze [at] gu [dot] se (celine[dot]heuze[at]gu[dot]se)
Courses at the Bolin Climate Research School, Stockholm University
PhD students currently enrolled in the ClimBEco graduate research school are eligible to attend courses offered by our collaborator, the Climate Research School of the Bolin Centre for Climate Research.
Contact ClimBEco's coordinator before applying to a course at the Bolin Centre.
cheryl [dot] sjostrom [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (cheryl[dot]sjostrom[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
More information about the courses at the Bolin Climate Research School –
Contact us at ClimBEco with any questions.