Lucat is the Lund University online staff directory. The information in Lucat is used for many purposes and by a number of systems.
Update your information in Lucat in order to be searchable
It is important that your information in Lucat is correct, since it is the information presented on Lund University's website when people search for your contact information. For example, if you have changed rooms, your information in Lucat needs to be updated. If you have questions about your data in Lucat or authorisation to systems through Lucat, please get in touch with Lena Söderberg.
How to change your telephone number and room number in Lucat (PDF, 118 kB, new tab)
Contact Lucat
Lena Söderberg
E-mail: lena [dot] soderberg [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (lena[dot]soderberg[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 41 91