Full cost application
When applying for research funding, a full cost estimate must be prepared. The full cost calculation is made in consultation with the economist at CEC and needs to be finalized 2 weeks before the call deadline.
The CEC checklist functions as a starting point for the Full cost application. If you have submitted a checklist to the financial officer latest 1 month before the call deadline you will receive a pre-filled full cost calculation that you can use for fine-tuning your project budget.
You can download an application form to calculate all costs:
Download CEC Calculation external funding form (Excel, 100 kb)
Finance officer
Louise Berglund
louise [dot] berglund [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise[dot]Berglund[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 15 65