Applying for funding – CEC checklist
Here you find information about the checklist that is to be sent to the CEC finance team.
PLEASE NOTE that HEU applications now have separate Checklists:
Link to HEU General information -
The Checklist below is for all other funding applications and has 2 purposes:
One is to make sure that the project can be hosted at CEC as described on the Applying for funding start page.
The second purpose is to provide input to the full cost calculation spread sheet. The financial officer that will help you get started on the full cost calculation spread sheet and give you a starting point where you can play around with salary costs and running costs and see how you can construct a budget for your project.
The calculator can be found here if you want to download it yourself:
Link to Full cost application on
Please send the checklist to the CEC finance team, primarily Louise Berglund, 1 month before the call closes. This is especially important if you need co-funding (including OH coverage), or if you are applying for a VR Starting grant or a FORMAS young career grant.
Some applications require longer advance notice:
- Contact the CEC finance team as soon as possible if you need co-financing or if you are planning or participating in a larger application, for example within Horizon Europe, KAW, MISTRA. 3 months in advance is advisable for HEU and Mistra.
- If you are applying to for a call where it is Lund University as an organization that is applying rather than the individual researcher ("organisationsansökning"), note that this application needs to be done with the assistance of LU Research Services, and that there will be internal deadlines to take into account, see below.
Please copy the bullet point-list below into a word-document, add your comments, and send by e-mail to the CEC finance team, primarily Louise Berglund. You are not expected to already be on top of all numbers etc, put in your starting estimate, and we take it from there.
CHECKLIST project proposal
The proposal
- Preliminary title:
- Main applicant:
- Co-applicants:
- Will you be using Biology’s lab? (if yes - see below for further instructions):
- Do you need a Letter of Commitment or any other document signed by the Director?
- If yes, please provide a link to the description if it is NOT a VR or Formas call:
The call
- Funder and call (a link is much appreciated):
- Call deadline:
- Date for decision if given by funder:
- Amount asked for (approximately):
- Does the funder cover full OH? If not - how man OH %?
- Does the funder demand other co-funding?:
- Are you planning on having PhD-student/s in the project? How many? :
- Are you planning on hiring other staff (postdocs, research assistants, field assistants ...)? :
- Will the project cover salaries for yourself and other named staff? Who? :
- If you are a Postdoc or Researcher, please clarify how your own salary is fully covered during the project time:
Please note that if you are hiring postdocs or PhD-students you must have funding for yourself for an extensive period after the end of the position for your hired staff.
The cost to use the lab is included in the CEC overhead cost (as of January 1, 2021), no extra budget calculation is needed. However – you must contact the person in charge of the lab at Biology and check that you can use the lab. This must be done before you send in your application to the funder. If you get funded (congratulations!), an agreement between CEC and Biology has to be signed so that we can keep track of how many researchers are using the lab. Contact the CEC Research Coordinator to get support with this.
To get an approval
Contact the person in charge of the lab as soon as you know you will want to use the lab. Include the information in the list above sent to the CEC research coordinator.
Organization announcements in Prisma must be opened and submitted by LUs Research Services (Forskningsservice).
This means that there are internal conditions (for both the project leader and the head of department concerned) and earlier deadlines when such an application is coordinated from LU. If you wish to coordinate an application from LU, Research Services must be contacted well before deadline to open an application.
To open an application, contact Research Services (ansokan [at] fs [dot] lu [dot] se) and submit the following information:
- Name of announcement (organizational application) to be applied for
- Who will be the project manager/coordinator
- Preliminary title for the application in both Swedish and English
- Contact information for the project manager/coordinator's head of department (inform the CEC Director and the Research Coordinator beforehand and feel free to CC them both)
For all research funding applications, please primarily contact Louise Berglund in the CEC Finance Team. Other team members are also available to assist with administrative and financial matters related to your application.
Finance officer
Louise Berglund
louise [dot] berglund [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Louise[dot]Berglund[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
+46 46 222 15 65