November 12th 2020
From the Management
Thank you for your contribution on the CEC Staff Day “CECs new mission”! The summaries from all group discussions are available online via the link to the padlet below. You are all welcome to take part of the summaries and reflections, as well as commenting and highlighting different perspective, in the comment fields. The management group will take in all the information to better capture how CEC can be developed and at the same time fulfil the new mission.
Read the summaries and write comments at
This week the management group discussed the CEC plan of operations and budget for 2021, both of which will be decided by the CEC Board by the end of November. Also discussed was CEC internal organisation in 2021 and ways to handle to continued COVID-19-situation.
We would like to highlight upcoming funding opportunities in Horizon Europe. In the pipeline for 2021 are at least 18 (!) Research and Innovation Action calls (16 in 2022) covering our fields of expertise. Interested? You should be. Contact Yann Clough and Marianne Hall for details and tips and attend one of the Lärosäten Syd webinar events (20th and 26th of November).
Information about the webinars given by Lärosäten Syd
By the end of this semester you will have the possibility to discuss your work situation and progress in the yearly follow-up talk with your line manager. The follow up talks are a part of the annual cycle for staff appraisals (utvecklingssamtal), the other steps being staff appraisals and salary-setting appraisals/salary appraisals (lönesättande samtal/lönesamtal). In the follow-up talk you and your line manager has a dialogue about and evaluation of the goals you and your line manager agreed upon in your staff appraisal held this spring, as an input to the coming salary-setting. The talk is also an important measure for the management to keep an eye on the work environment, especially during times of working from home, so please take the opportunity to bring up any issues that you might have in that perspective. Your line manager will give you more information of how and when the talk will be taking place. More information below:
Information about staff appraisals
Information about salary setting factors
Portable microphone and speaker now available to borrow
- One portable microphone and speaker to be used for excursions, guided tours and outdoor classes. An external wireless microphone is also included, which can be used for questions from the audience.
See details of the portable outdoor microphone and speaker - Two sets of portable indoor speaker/microphone to be used in hybrid meetings. Each one works for smaller groups of up to 6 persons/2 meters. For larger groups the two can be connected.
See details of the portable indoor speaker/microphone
Contact Stina or Anna Maria, or another member of the administration, if you wish to borrow the equipment. You need to sign a list when borrowing anything.
A message to all staff
These are challenging times! Every one of us are affected by, to a large extent having to work from home again and by an un-defined future. This often includes a non-optimal work environment, but even more challenging, less social contact. We know from the survey carried out during spring that we feel more stressed due to the COVID-19 situation, and that most of us miss contacts with our colleagues. We need to keep working together and have a good dialogue to ensure that we can handle the situation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your line manager or your health and safety representatives niklas [dot] boke_olen [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Niklas) or wilhelm [dot] may [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (Willi). You could also find good advice and contact the occupational health service:
Ergonomic advice
Hang on and hang in there and stay in contact online! /The CEC Management and the Health and Safety Representatives
We warmly welcome Eva Hedenfelt and Edwin Bywater as project assistants working with Johanna Alkan Olsson and Helena Hanson.
Congratulations to Kimberly Nicholas who has been appointed Associate Professor (docent) in Environmental Science. Kim has been and is involved in CECs work through the Board, BECC and CEC Fellows, and we are looking forward to continuous excellent collaboration and an important link to LUCSUS.
We are hiring, please spread the word:
Post-doctoral fellow in ecosystem service modelling, PA2020/3633 -
Last application date: Friday, 6 December 2020
Reminder of procedure for health promotion reimbursement for 2020
More information on how to proceed and where to send your receipts
CEC Friday Breakfast Talk
Friday, 13 November September at 10:15. Katarina Hedlund will give an update from the management team and Cheryl Sjöström from CEC will share findings from a mapping of food systems and food innovation research at Lund University. Next Friday’s Breakfast talk is still being decided, we will keep you updated on the topic once we have all the information.
CECs Friday talk is held in the group ‘CEC’ on Teams at 10:15. You should have received an invitation to the team “CEC“ – if not use this link to Teams or use the code: 293u3aw in the “Teams” panel to the left.
Nailing PhD thesis
Friday, 13 November at 13:00 sharp, PhD student Sha Ni will nail her thesis to the birch tree at CEC. For you who are interested in joining us on this joyous event, you can do so online via Zoom.
The title of the thesis is: “Tracing marine hypoxic conditions during warm periods using a microanalytical approach”.
Communicating climate change and meeting deniers
Tuesday, 17 November at 13:00 to 16:00. Welcome to join the BECC theme event on “Communicating climate change and meeting deniers” Please register at the latest on Friday, 13 November. During this afternoon you may listen to Markku Rummukainen (LU), Nina Wormbs (KTH) and Martin Hultman (Chalmers) as well as discuss how to go about.
More information about the event and how to register -
Different forms of climate denial
Thursday, 19 November at 9:00 to 10:00, Martin Hultman, associate professor at Chalmers University of Technology will host an interactive webinar on how to communicate climate research to people who doubt man made climate change? Is it even worth it? The webinar will take place on Zoom and if you want to participate please contact Eva Westerberg. Please note! This webinar will be held in Swedish only.
eva [dot] westerberg [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (eva[dot]westerberg[at]kommunikation[dot]lu[dot]se)
UN Climate Change Dialogues 2020 (Climate Dialogues)
A series of online events from 23 November to 4 December.
Read the program on the UNFCCC website
For an updated list of CEC events see the CEC calendar (English version).
CEC calendar
New program on Co-design for Inclusive Public Spaces and Services
CEC is co-arranging a new capacity building program focused on increasing the capacity of municipal officials to co-design inclusive public environments and services. The duration of the program is January 2021–September 2021 and the main target countries are Indonesia and Turkey.
webpage with info on professional education at Lund University -
Contribute to the research on invasive plants
Take the survey by answering 12 questions on Folklivsarkivets website Please share the link around! To find out more about the research group, visit Pufendorfinstitutets website. Please note! Information is in Swedish only.
Folklivsarkivets website
visit Pufendorfinstitutets website
CEC in media
Agenda 2030 graduate school blog
PhD student Jesica López and Associate professor Torsten Krause (LUCSUS) has written an article for the Agenda 2030 Graduate School Blog called “Deforestation in the Columbian Amazon, far from reaching zero-deforestation goals in 2020”.
Read the article on the Agenda 2030 graduate school blog -
The new CAP
Mark Brady was interviewed in the magazine Syre on new decisions regarding the new CAP. “The devil is in the detail” he says.
The article in
The climate and the US Election
Johanna Alkan Olsson has answered questions about the climate and the American election in Expressen. (Scroll down and take some time to see what people ask about, it is very interesting!)
The chat at
How to get politicians to listen to researchers
Åsa Knaggård was interviewed in the magazine Curie on how to get impact on political decisions as a researcher.
The article at
If the articles are behind pay wall, you can find them and read them in Retriever Research/Mediearkivet. Log in with your LUCAT-id.
Retriever Research/Mediearkivet -
More LU news
See the attached newsletter.
Royal Society Publishing: new Open Access publishing deal
The university has a new deal with Royal Society Publishing which means that you pay no publishing fee to publish open access in their journals, after January 1st 2021. For the rest of 2020 we have a 25% discount on publishing fees, but it could be worth waiting a bit to submit your paper to get the other 75%. Read more about Royal Society Publishing journals at their website. NB, you need to be corresponding author and affiliated with LU!
Royal Society Publishing journals -
Don’t forget our new tool for finding all Open Access publishing deals.
Lund University's Publisher Agreement Journal Search -
If you have questions, turn to the Biology library, or the Lund university library.
publicera [at] lub [dot] lu [dot] se (publicera[at]lub[dot]lu[dot]se)
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify Anna Maria Erling or Stina Johannesson.
nna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se
tina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se
See more information about data protection on the Lund University website
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second week. If you have anything you would like to add to the newsletter, please send your information to Karin Hofvendahl, no later than Tuesday the same week.
LU-news nr 35 (PDF 423 kB, new tab)