27 January 2022
From the Management
The first Swedish Climate Symposium!
CEC are proud and happy to inform you that the first Swedish Climate Symposium, arranged by BECC, MERGE, SMHI and Bolins Center, will take place in Norrköping 15-18 May. Invitation is attached! Abstract submissions (talk or poster): no later than 15 February. Registration: no later than 15 March. The event will gather leading Swedish climate researchers and the idea is that it will be arranged every two years.
“The conference is a unique opportunity for climate scientists to interact, reflect, and identify knowledge gaps and opportunities for the future. The Symposium will highlight the main conclusions of the 6th Assessment Report (AR6) of the IPCC and its consequences for Sweden. In a series of topical parallel sessions, a broad spectrum of expertise in climate sciences is presented, including modelling, experimental and field work, the role of paleoclimate science, observations, impact studies, mitigation strategies, interactions with biological diversity and ecosystem services, and the economic and governance aspects of climate change. Media, politicians, and societal actors will be able to meet and interact with scientists during devoted sessions, with emphasis on the climate in a Swedish context.” Please visit the conference website:
Assignments from the Faculty
We would like to give you an update regarding the timetable for the two parallel assignments from the Faculty (that we have informed about earlier), on how to enable a closer collaboration between CEC, INES and Geology. The Faculty will probably decide upon the assignments within the coming two weeks and after that we will be able to provide you with more information.
One of the assignments will focus on how research and education at CEC, INES and Geology could be coordinated, organized, and located. Relevant research and education at Biology and other departments are to be considered. The other will focus on CEC as a cross-disciplinary center, coordinating large research programs, including BECC and MERGE, and cross-disciplinary platforms for cooperation. Both assignments are expected to be carried out during 2022.
Close down of the Ecology building this summer
During the summer, 1 June – 31 August 2022, half of the Ecology building will be closed due to renovation of the ventilation, and the other half will be closed next summer. This year most of CEC’s offices and some of the labs, storage etc that we are using will be closed. There will be a limited number of alternative offices available, and you will be informed more later.
Covid update
The Swedish authorities has prolonged the current recommendations until 9 February, and you are still to be working from home to as large extent as possible. Contact your line manager if you need access to the office or lab. More information can be found in an e-mail sent out from Karin Hofvendahl on 10 January.
The Swedish authorities also made an estimation that some of the regulations may be removed with start 9 February. More information about when and how the regulations are to be removed will be given next week. Please keep yourself updated on the websites below since the situation change fast.
We warmly welcome Stina Lundkvist who has joined the Sustainability forum office and will stay for the duration of this spring. She will mainly work to support the planning and implementation of the Sustainability week (2-7 May).
We also welcome Lovisa Nilsson back to CEC, now as a postdoc to work with Henrik Smith in the project “Nature-based solutions at the climate-biodiversity-health nexus”, a part of Lund University’s interdisciplinary research programme focusing on the 2030 Agenda and sustainable development. Lovisa will initially work part-time, and will be full-time at CEC from the summer and onwards. After finishing her PhD at CEC in 2019, Lovisa has worked on government-commissioned knowledge syntheses about pesticide impacts on biodiversity, and at the Skåne county administrative board.
And we are happy that Veronica Hederström and Océane Bartholomée are both staying at CEC, starting new positions as researchers. Veronica will continue working in the project “DrivenByPollinators” with Yann Clough, and Océane will continue working in the project “INVISMO - A new framework for predicting insect pollinator habitat requirements” with Henrik Smith.
Finally, best of luck to Jasmine Livingston who is leaving CEC after finalizing her postdoc, to be starting a new postdoc position at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University in the Netherlands.
Other information
Expense and travel claims
The function for reporting expense and travel claims in Primula has been given a new look. The function is basically the same but if you have any questions, please refer them to camilla [dot] king [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (camilla[dot]king[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) or log a case to Statens servicecenter (SSC). If you log on to the SSC Portal, you will find an instructions video to make you familiar with the new look (in Swedish).
Log on to Statens servicecenter - (statenssc.se)
New report on competition between honeybees and wild bees
Henrik Smith and Sandra Lindström have published a new report on competition between honeybees and wild bees, an assignment from the Swedish Board of Agriculture. Sandra Lindström will present the scientific knowledge overview at the CEC Friday Fika March 25.
CEC rapport nr 6 Konkurrens mellan honungsbin och vilda bin (lu.se)
Sustainability Frontiers Conference
Our colleagues at LUCSUS and Stockholm Environmental Institute invites everybody to join their Sustainability Frontiers Conference 14-15 February. It’s free and it’s online. Some of the themes are degrowth, resistance and social movements, imaginaries, digitalisation/AI and decolonising. Check out the program and register below.
Sustainability Frontiers Conference (invajo.com)
The 2nd Lund University conference on Knowledge for Sustainable Development - 2 May 2022
We welcome researchers at Lund University to submit their research contributions! The conference will focus on Charting the Way Forward. We will discuss research and methods for action and progress, and will highlight obstacles and challenges to be overcome. The conference will also serve to prepare for the second call for Lund University Interdisciplinary Projects Focusing on Agenda 2030 and Sustainable Development, expected to be announced in the near future. Call for abstract open until March 6.
Read more about the call for abstract – sustainability.lu.se
Read about the conference – sustainability.lu.se
CEC Calendar (in English) – (cec.lu.se)
Friday, 28 January @ 10:15 – Management info and fika (CEC Teams), followed by:
Half-time seminar @ 10:45: Johan Kjellberg Jensen. The topic of this seminar in environmental science is “The impact of urbanization on ecosystem functioning and services”.
The seminar will take place in Blue Hall, the Ecology building, and on zoom, 10.45-12.00. (Check eventual updates in the CEC calendar.)
Save the event to your calendar (cec.lu.se)
Wednesday, 2 February @ 08:30 - LU Land breakfast seminar #12: “The potential synergy effects of leys - how can we realize these in a future sustainable agriculture?”. Please note that the seminar is held in Swedish.
Save the event to your calendar (cec.lu.se)
Friday, 4 February @ 10:15 – Management information and fika (CEC Teams)
Save the event to your calendar (cec.lu.se)
Friday, 11 February @ 10:15 – Management information and Friday Breakfast Talk – Human rights and the Agenda 2030 – an uncomfortable alliance. Presentation by Lena Halldenius, Professor of human rights at the Department of history at Lund University.
Save the event to your calendar (cec.lu.se)
ClimBEco is now accepting applications for the 2022-2024 programme! Eligibility requirements and the link to the application form can be found at www.climbeco.lu.se Deadline is 3 March 2022.
CEC in the media
If the articles are behind pay wall, you can find them and read them in Retriever Research/Mediearkivet. Log in with your LUCAT-id.
The environmental benefits of organic farming depend on the surrounding landscape
William Sidemo Holm has been interviewed about his findings, that the environmental benefits of organic farming are higher in landscapes where there are relatively few spieces.
Article in Lantbruksnytt – lantbruksnytt.se
Article in Jordbruksaktuellt – ja.se
Article in Syre – tidningensyre.se
Article in Landets fria tidning – landetsfria.nu
Article in Nationen – nationen.no
Could “carbon farming” help to solve the climate crises?
Katarina Hedlund and Mark Brady has been interviewed on pros and cons related to “carbon farming” and if the method could help to solve the climate crisis or not.
Article in Syre – tidningensyre.se
The Swedish respons to covid-19
Åsa Knaggård has been interviewed on the Swedish restrictions during the covid pandemic. She doesn’t see the restrictions in Sweden as a threat to democracy as the government or authorities havn’t strengthen their power as in other countries. She also point out that there are missing legal ways for the government in Sweden to strengthen its power in order to deal with crisis in times of peace.
Article in Sydsvenskan – sydsvenskan.se
What happened when MP left the Swedish government?
Roger Hildingsson has been interviewed in ETC on environmental proposals that the new government hasn’t goon forward with after Miljöpartiet left the collaboration with Socialdemokraterna.
Article in ETC – etc.se
Marint Centrum in Simrishamn receives millions for research
Maria Hansson was interviewed on new project grants to Marint Center in Simrishamn. The grants will finance research on water supply and sustainable fishing.
Article in Ystads Allehanda – ystadsallehanda.se (behind paywall)
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) or
stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Information about data protection at Lund University – lu.se
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every second wee