13 January 2022
From the Management
Welcome back to a new year and a new semester! We hope you had time to renew your energy and are looking forward to new challenges, research findings and interesting meetings. We would like to inform you on the compositions on some boards and committees:
The CEC Board has been appointed a new member in research coordinator Juliana Dänhardt, substituting Anna Ekberg who commences the role of supporting the chair of the board. The complete composition can be found on the CEC website.
The BECC Board has been appointed new members, and do now consist of the following members: Henrik Smith, Anna Maria Jönsson, Fariborz Zelli, Cecilia Akselsson, Edith Hammer, Maj Rundlöf and Cecilia Larsson from Lund University, and Mats Björkman from Gothenburg University.
The CEC Equal opportunities and equal treatment Committee has been appointed new members, and now consists of the following representatives: Yann Clough, speaker, representative for the teachers and leadership group, member in the faculty’s gender equality and equal opportunities group; Julia Kelly, representative for the postdocs and researchers; Madelene Johnn, representative for the technical and administrative staff; Wilhelm May, health and safety officer; Theresia Widhalm, representative for PhD students; Elin Kannerby, and Isabella Bäck Toikka, representatives for the undergraduate students. The website will be soon updated!
And finally, a short Covid update
Due to the recent fast spread, you are to be working from home to as large extent as possible. Contact your line manager if you need access to the office or lab. Administrative staff are available on Teams, and are only in the office on demand. The Friday information and talk will be in Teams only, no fika will be served. More information can be found in an e-mail sent out from Karin Hofvendahl on 10 January. Please keep yourself updated on the websites below since the situation change fast.
CEC Calendar (in English) – (cec.lu.se)
Friday, 14 January @ 10:15 - Management info and fika (CEC Teams Channel)
Friday, 21 January @ 10:15 – Management info and Friday Breakfast Talk. Bridging the Gap between Science and Policy – Experiences from the Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre - Presentation by Gun Rundquist, Head of Policy at Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre (CEC Teams Channel)
Friday, 28 January @10:15 – Management info and fika (CEC Teams Channel), followed by:Half-time seminar @10:45: Johan Kjellberg Jensen. The topic of this seminar in environmental science is “The impact of urbanization on ecosystem functioning and services”. The seminar will take place in Blue Hall, the Ecology building, and on zoom, 10.45-12.00. (Check eventual updates in the CEC calendar.)Save the event to your calendar (cec.lu.se)
31 January, 3 February and 7 February 2022 – Researcher on social media share their tips. Speakers are Hakim Abdi, Magnus Genrup and Louise Bringselius. Both in Swedish and English.
Contact Anna Johnsson anna_v [dot] johnsson [at] kommunikation [dot] se (anna_v[dot]johnsson[at]kommunikation[dot]se) to sign up.
Researchers on social media share their tips | Staff Pages (lu.se)
Wednesday, 2 February @ 08:30 - LU Land breakfast seminar #12: “The potential synergy effects of leys - how can we realize these in a future sustainable agriculture?”. Please note that the seminar is held in Swedish.
Save the date: 2 May 2022 Lund University invites to a research conference on sustainable development, The 2nd Lund University conference on Knowledge for Sustainable Development. The conference is aimed at all researchers at Lund University who want to increase their knowledge about the challenges that lie ahead, learn how their research can contribute to change, and strengthen their contacts with researchers from other disciplines.
Keep an eye on the conference – sustainability.lu.se
Other information
Support for researchers: Lund University offers support for researchers interested in developing qualities as academic teacher (a requirement for teaching positions). You can find information at the staff website.
There is an open portal in canvas learning resources to develop as an academic teacher at
Open call: The Crafoord Foundation invites applications for grants for scientific research and education. The foundation welcomes younger researchers, although open for all researchers. Deadline February 2. Read more and apply: www.crafoord.se/en
New policy brief on “Restoring wilder landscapes for people and biodiversity”
Want to learn more about rewilding? New policy brief, co-authored by Henrik Smith, clarifies the concept and explains how it can contribute to restoring and protecting natural processes and the capacity of ecosystems to respond to global change.
Policy brief on CECs webpage for publications – cec.lu.se
Don’t forget – to nominate for the Lund University Agenda 2030 Award
The Lund University Agenda 2030 Award aims to promote innovative, interdisciplinary research on sustainable development by early career scholars at Lund University. PhD students, post docs, and researchers with a PhD exam no older than five years can be nominated. Nominations should be submitted to the Agenda 2030 Graduate School no later than 1 February.
About the award and how to nominate:
Accessibility in digital learning environments
Do you have questions on how to make your course pages in different learning platforms accessible, according to the new Act on the Accessibility of Digital Public Services? Check out the tips and Q&A section on how to make your courses available in Canvas etc.:
Questions and answers on digital accessibility – education.lu.se
CEC in the media
If the articles are behind pay wall, you can find them and read them in Retriever Research/Mediearkivet. Log in with your LUCAT-id.
Environmental inspection stopped after call from powerful entrepreneur
Högni Hansson, who has been responsible for educating many environmental and health protection inspectors at CEC, comments on the stopped environmental inspection of the plastic factory in Ystad.
Article in Sydsvenskan – sydsvenskan.se
Another warm year is to be expected
Markku Rummukainen is interviewed about heat records in Alaska, the thawing permafrost and about important climate events in 2021.
Video feature on Swedish public service TV on heat record in Alaska – svt.se
Video feature on important climate events during 2021 on Swedish public service TV – svt.se
Quality of green areas + proper management = a diversity of urban pollinators
Anna Persson and former CEC colleague Johan Ekroos, now working at Helsinki University, have investigated how the quality and care of green areas affect urban wild bees, hover flies and butterflies in Malmö and Helsinki.
Article in Biodiverse – biodiverse.se
Dog helps researchers to preserve biodiversity
The dog Ylle helps PhD student Sofia Blomqvist with finding bumble bee nests which contributes to the mapping of the pollinators.
Article in Dagens ETC – etc.se
Pictures and videos during your time at CEC – GDPR
During your time at CEC there will be pictures taken and videos shot at staff meetings etc. If you do not wish to appear in photos, videos etc. please notify anna_maria [dot] erling [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (anna_maria[dot]erling[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se) or stina [dot] johannesson [at] cec [dot] lu [dot] se (stina[dot]johannesson[at]cec[dot]lu[dot]se)
Information about data protection at Lund University – l
About the newsletter
The CEC newsletter is sent to employees and those that are associated with CEC. The newsletter is sent out on Thursdays every sec