About my research
My research combines remote sensing data at multiple spatial scales with carbon flux measurements and footprint modelling to monitor how boreal ecosystems are responding to climate change and natural disturbances.
As a postdoc, I am investigating how wildfire severity and different types of forest management are affecting the carbon balance of forests recovering from a major wildfire in central Sweden in 2018. The project uses eddy covariance data, footprint modelling, manual chamber measurements, drone imagery and tower-based spectral measurements to track the growth of new vegetation and evaluate the effects of salvage-logging versus natural regeneration on the ecosystem microclimate and carbon flux emissions. The results will form the basis for policy briefs that support forest managers and policymakers in adopting sustainable post-fire forest management strategies.
During my PhD, I developed new methods for modelling and upscaling carbon fluxes in boreal peatlands, which focused specifically on using thermal cameras (on towers, drones and satellites) to collect high resolution surface temperature data. Temperature is an important variable affecting many biological processes, including ecosystem respiration. Combining tower- and drone-based imagery of surface temperature allowed ecosystem respiration to be upscaled in unprecedented detail. It also revealed new insights into the response of peatlands to severe drought and heatwaves.
About me
I have a background in physical geography, with specific research interests including ecosystem carbon fluxes, remote sensing and disturbance effects (fire, drought). I defended my PhD in Environmental Science in March 2021 at CEC, but I started it with 1.5 years at the Geography Department at Swansea University (UK) before moving to CEC. I am part of the Lund Earth Observation Research Group at the Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science (INES) and a ClimbEco Research School alumna. My work has involved close collaboration with colleagues from Gothenburg University, SLU and Swansea University and uses data from national research infrastructures such as ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observation System) and SITES (Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science). I did my MSc in Physical Geography and Ecosystem Analysis at Lund University and my BA Geography at the University of Cambridge. Previously I worked for UNEP-WCMC (United Nations Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre) in the Conventions and Policy Support team.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
No recovery of soil respiration four years after fire and post-fire management in a Nordic boreal forest
Julia Kelly, Stefan H. Doerr, Johan Ekroos, Theresa S. Ibáñez, Md Rafikul Islam, et al.
(2025) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 364
Journal articleForests destroyed by wildfires emit carbon long after the flames die - new study
Natascha Kljun, Julia Kelly
(2024) The Conversation
Journal articleWildfire impacts on the carbon budget of a managed Nordic boreal forest
Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Zhanzhang Cai, Stefan H. Doerr, Claudio Donofrio, et al.
(2024) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 351
Journal articleModelling carbon recovery time after clear-cutting or fire in boreal forests under changing climate
Md. Rafikul Islam, Anna Maria Jönsson, John Bergkvist, Julia Kelly, Fredrik Lagergren, et al.
Conference paper: abstractBoreal forest tree growth and sap flow after a low-severity wildfire
Paulina Dukat, Julia Kelly, Stefan Doerr, Johannes Edvardsson, Teemu S. Hölttä, et al.
(2024) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 347
Journal articleIncreasing global ecosystem respiration between 1982 and 2015 from Earth observation-based modelling
Torbern Tagesson, Julia Kelly, Guy Schurgers, Feng Tian, Jonas Ardö, et al.
(2024) Global Ecology and Biogeography, 33 p.116-130
Journal articleMethane Producing and Oxidizing Microorganisms Display a High Resilience to Drought in a Swedish Hemi-Boreal Mire
J. D. White, D. Ahrén, L. Ström, J. Kelly, L. Klemedtsson, et al.
(2023) Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 128
Journal articleSpatial and temporal variation in δ13C values of methane emitted from a hemiboreal mire: methanogenesis, methanotrophy, and hysteresis
Janne Rinne, Patryk Łakomiec, Patrik Vestin, Joel D. White, Per Weslien, et al.
(2022) Biogeosciences, 19 p.4331-4349
Journal articleGlobal maps of soil temperature
Jonas J. Lembrechts, Johan van den Hoogen, Juha Aalto, Michael B. Ashcroft, Pieter De Frenne, et al.
(2022) Global Change Biology, 28 p.3110-3144
Journal articleBoreal forest soil carbon fluxes one year after a wildfire : Effects of burn severity and management
Julia Kelly, Theresa S. Ibáñez, Cristina Santín, Stefan H. Doerr, Marie Charlotte Nilsson, et al.
(2021) Global Change Biology, 27 p.4181-4195
Journal articleModelling and upscaling ecosystem respiration using thermal cameras and UAVs : Application to a peatland during and after a hot drought
Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Lars Eklundh, Leif Klemedtsson, Bengt Liljebladh, et al.
(2021) Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 300
Journal articleUpscaling Northern Peatland CO2 Fluxes Using Satellite Remote Sensing Data
Sofia Junttila, Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Mika Aurela, Leif Klemedtsson, et al.
(2021) Remote Sensing, 13
Journal articleCarbon exchange in boreal ecosystems: upscaling and the impacts of natural disturbances
Julia Kelly
DissertationSensitivity of peatland respiration to vegetation community and temperature metric during a hot drought
Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Lars Eklundh, Leif Klemedtsson, Bengt Liljeblad, et al.
PosterChallenges and best practices for deriving temperature data from an uncalibrated UAV thermal infrared camera
Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Per Ola Olsson, Laura Mihai, Bengt Liljeblad, et al.
(2019) Remote Sensing, 11
Journal articleCan thermal imagery improve ecosystem respiration modelling and UAV-based upscaling?
Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Xianghua Xie, Bengt Liljeblad, Per-Ola Olsson, et al.
PosterCan thermal imagery improve ecosystem respiration modelling and UAV-based upscaling?
Julia Kelly, Natascha Kljun, Xianghua Xie, Bengt Liljeblad, Per-Ola Olsson, et al.
PosterA process for identifying national solutions to challenges faced in developing countries in reporting to environmental conventions : Insight from the facilitating national reporting to the rio conventions project
A. Mohammadi Fazel, J. Gibson, J. Harrison, P. Herkenrath, J. Kelly
(2015) International Journal of Environmental Research, 9 p.1163-1172
Journal article