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Erik Swietlicki. Foto.

Erik Swietlicki


Erik Swietlicki. Foto.

Relating the single particle soot photometer (SP2) signal response to soot maturity


  • Lovisa Nilsson
  • Sandra Török
  • Erik Ahlberg
  • Axel Eriksson
  • Saga Bergqvist
  • Thi Kim Cuong Le
  • Per-Erik Bengtsson
  • Erik Swietlicki

Summary, in English

Light absorbing carbonaceous aerosols produced from combustion span over a range of physicochemical properties. Soot is the most recognized species in this category and its formation process involves gradual maturation from amorphous young soot with a high hydrogen-to-carbon-ratio toward mature soot aggregates. In this work, the optical response of a single particle soot photometer (SP2) to electrical mobility size selected soot of different maturity produced by a mini-CAST soot generator is investigated. The results show that for soot of a specific mobility diameter, the laser-induced incandescence (LII) signal appears earlier and with a higher LII peak height for increasing soot maturity. The experimental observations are supported by simulations using a numerical model for the LII process. Furthermore, the effect of systematically varying the SP2 laser power on the detection of soot of different maturity using LII is explored. This work can be seen as a step toward the aim of using the SP2 instrument to identify soot particles of different maturity in the atmosphere.


  • Kärnfysik
  • MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system
  • LTH profilområde: Aerosoler
  • NanoLund: Centre for Nanoscience
  • LTH profilområde: Nanovetenskap och halvledarteknologi
  • LU profilområde: Ljus och material
  • Förbränningsfysik
  • Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap
  • LTH profilområde: Energiomställningen
  • Metalund
  • Ergonomi och aerosolteknologi
  • LTH profilområde: Avancerade ljuskällor
  • LU profilområde: Naturbaserade framtidslösningar
  • Centrum för Aerosolforskning (CAST)
  • Centrum för miljö- och klimatvetenskap (CEC)






Aerosol Science and Technology


Artikel i tidskrift


Taylor & Francis


  • Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics




  • ISSN: 1521-7388